Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 4 - Prague (Jewish Quarter)

28 Feb 2010

After a hearty breakfast at the hotel, we proceeded to the Jewish quarter and visited one of the oldest synagogue in Europe, the Old-New Synagogue located in the Jewish Quarter. Unfortunately, no pictures were allowed in the synagogue. I was given a Jewish skull cap as a souvenir. We also spent some time walking along the old Jewish cemetery. The famous Jewish writer Frank Kafka spent a considerable amount of time in the Jewish quarter. Incidentally, the building occupied by our hotel (Central Old Town hotel) was previous used by Kafka as his office.

We didn't spend much time sightseeing and mainly goofing around the Old Town and visited Hard Rock Cafe. (Above: A picture of me with the statue of Jan Huss, one of the early Protestant reformers in the Old Town square).

Scenes from Nove Mesto

In the evenings we visited Nove Mesto (New Town) and started walking towards St Wenceslas Square. There's nothing much to see or do in Nove Mesto, unlike the Old Town square.

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